Intelligent Courage is a fascinating, highly readable book devoted to Mike Fraidenburg's important theme; successful careers in natural resources, now more than ever, require conviction and strength to "do the right thing” ecologically for the American landscape and the American culture. Through fascinating interviews of successful leaders in resource management, Fraidenburg describes how their strength and use of people skills paid off, and how especially their use of "street smarts" helped them achieve their goals. I am highly recommending this great book to my friends and students!

Estella B. Leopold

Professor Emeritus, Department Of Biology University Of Washington

Most of our nation's natural resource managers are retiring in this decade taking with them the lessons they learned by working in their careers. A new generation of professionals must now step up to the plate and Fraidenburg's book is a user's guide for passing this accumulated wisdom on to the new leaders. Anyone wishing to improve as a natural resource professional will learn wise but practical ideas from the distinguished people interviewed in Intelligent Courage.

Theodore Roosevelt IV

The Governing Council, The Wilderness Society

Public resource managers are experiencing increased conflict as America hits its resource limits. Little has been done to prepare environmental students to deal with issues of conflict. By comparison, students of law or business management receive a broad foundation, through the use of the case study method, to effectively resolve conflicts in their work environment. Intelligent Courage provides a needed breakthrough with a selection of case studies of interesting and experienced resource professionals that will help solve this training problem and, in so doing, benefit natural resource stewardship in our nation.

Huey Johnson

Founder And President, Resource Renewal Institute, Former Secretary For Natural Resources, State Of California Founder And Former President, The Trust For Public Land

This book provides an insight into the reality of natural resource management. Through the stories of eight professionals in the field we learn of the joys and trials of working in natural resource management. This book will serve to inspire a new generation of biologists and provide them with a realistic appraisal of life after University.

Ray Hilborn

Professor, Aquatic And Fishery Sciences University Of Washington

In Intelligent Courage, Michael Fraidenburg has provided us wonderful career advice from some of America's top natural resource professionals. This book is filled with great anecdotes, important lessons, and a sense of what it takes to make a positive difference in natural re sources conservation.

Scott A. Bonar, Ph.D.

Associate Professor And Leader, USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish And Wildlife Research Unit Author Of: The Conservation Professional's Guide To Working With People

A fascinating, inspiring, and entertaining book for anyone who is interested in pursuing a career in natural resources management, who is already in that field, or who simply cares about the environment.

Andrew W. Savitz

Author Of The Triple Bottom Line: How The Best-Run Companies Are Achieving Economic, Social And Environmental Success—And How You Can Too

We believe that this will be a very important book that will help young professionals prepare for and effectively navigate through their careers.

Western Division, American Fisheries Society

An astonishingly straightforward and profound book. Mike Fraidenburg's interviews with eight conservation heroes are inspirational, instructional, and, ultimately, life changing. Composing a life of integrity is challenging enough; composing a life of integrity as natural resource professionals who honor their responsibilities not only to their employers but to the biosphere and future generations can seem overwhelming. Mike elicits insights from these people that show that it can be done with grace. These interviews reveal the common sense "street smarts" that will help smooth the way for anyone who chooses to follow in these footsteps. This book should be read by every student in ecology, conservation, and natural resource management, and every teacher should find a way to make sure that it happens, even if it means giving the book as a gift to every student.

Steve Trombulak

Professor Of Biology And Environmental Studies Middlebury College

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

~ Abraham Lincoln

With Intelligent Courage as your guide, you'll be equipped to pursue a fulfilling career that aligns with your passions and interests. Whether you're just starting out or looking to make an existing career even more satisfying, the possibilities are endless.

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